UN.Scrambled was launched in March 2020 with the goal of unscrambling words to point to the ultimate Word—Jesus Christ. Un.Scrambled has been featured in Revive Our Hearts Newsletter/magazine, Proclaim Truth Conference and on various podcast.
Why Unscrambled?
The reality: This world has a system of beliefs and values that we can quickly become scrambled in, causing confusion and disorder in our lives and those around us.
By definition, “unscramble” means to take things that are in a state of confusion or disorder and to arrange them so that they can be understood or seen clearly.
The problem: We, as human beings, often live with scrambled—thoughts, views, and desires that lead us into unhealthy patterns of life. And it all starts with a word.
The Solution: This is why Un. Scrambled exists. We desire to be a part of God’s solution to help free men and women from misdirected thoughts and desires that keep us living scrambled lives.
I, Oghosa Iyamu, would like to personally invite you to journey along with us as we unscramble words—to discover TRUTH—a truth that will point us to the ultimate Word—Jesus Christ.